GG white shot

GG white shot

Thursday 8 January 2015


My choice for the Dostoyevsky novel was the Idiot.  I came across a description of the story and was fascinated because of my own beliefs.  The Idiot is a man whose responses to circumstances are genuinely Christian, but not in the way that you might think.  The Idiot is not a pious man.  He does not judge or preach.  He just acts simply and graciously, which leads to his label of 'idiot'.  When money was involved, he acted honestly and transparently, called it like it was and refused to play games.  He even repaid debts that he legally could have avoided.  When it came to love, he overlooked the societal standards and dared to love a disgraced woman, fully and completely; reminiscent of Hosea and Gomer's situation. He spoke and acted without pretence and found himself trusted with many gossipy details, the owners of which had no problem with him keeping.
The story comes to an unexpected end, with the Idiot retaining his non-judgmental attitude in the extreme of circumstances. A strange story in the end, but offers some interesting thought tangents.

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