GG white shot

GG white shot

Saturday 14 May 2011

Rosemary's Baby

An interesting story and possibly satisfyingly shocking in it's day, but it just didn't do it for me. Maybe because it is so fantastical I wasn't struck with horror at the end the way I'm sure Ira Levin was intending. The movie followed the book virtually word for word. It brought the characters to life better than my imagination could, especially Minnie and Guy, but really served no other purpose having just finished the book the day before. It didn't invoke any emotions or give any added depth to the characters or script. I would recommend watching the movie or reading the book, but don't bother with both.
Now I just need to be reminded of the Gilmore Girls reference to get a true sense of what Rory was saying. It must have been Guy she was comparing Dean to, was it? I had always pictured a story with a creepy/dangerous guy watching a girl in her sleep. Not so.

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