GG white shot

GG white shot

Sunday 1 May 2011

A few enjoyable steps

 I was hoping to have finished Moby Dick by today, but still have 500 pages to go. Another few days and I'm sure I'll be done.  It's a hard slog of a book.  You have to concentrate on every sentence to really get its meaning. I think the next book I plan to read will be a little smoother in the reading. I just hope the content doesn't horrify - Jack Kerouac's 'On the Road'. I get the impression he was a somewhat uncensored author.
I have managed to tick off a few foods on the list to follow. The peach sauce was rather a dismal experiment, so I may try again at a later date.  I very much enjoyed the waffles I had with it though.  I have also made a lovely lamb dish with a little fancy mashed potatoes. And I've had coke and coffee, no milk, no sugar, just like classic Luke's diner coffee.  I only regret forgetting to drink my red wine with my lamb dish.  They would have gone perfectly together. Well, I'll just have to drink it with my chilli fries. Classy!

It's getting late, so I'll see if I can get these photos up and I'll post again soon.

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