GG white shot

GG white shot

Friday, 29 April 2011


Well, I have nothing much to say today except that I am loving iBooks.  I never thought I would feel comfortable reading off a screen and I still find it difficult to concentrate on a wide page as found on computers. But on my iPhone, offering small chunks at a time, I can handle it. And it offers so many benefits. It tells me how many pages I have left in the book and the chapter; I can bookmark pages and highlight passages; I can skip to particular chapters; I can download the books for free; I can hold the book in one hand and don't even need the second to turn the page as I would with a real book; I can put my phone down and come back to the same page no trouble.  I'm converted.  Not to iBooks necessarily, (this is no ad) but to the concept of an electronic book.
I know, only tenuously related to the challenge, but I figure this is about blogging the whole experience of this process, so it counts.
Halfway through Moby Dick, will hopefully have a book review in a few days. And I'll be getting into some of the food refs, tomorrow.  Looking forward to waffles and peach sauce tomorrow morning. Mm mm.

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