GG white shot

GG white shot

Monday 9 June 2014

Herb and Vegetable Risotto

Today's risotto was a lovely herb and vegetable risotto.  Tasted cleansing and healthy.  I think I have this connection in my mind between herbs and clean eating.  So it was good and I felt good eating it.
I ate it while watching Gravity which is a fantastic movie by the way.  Also clean, but a bit disconcerting.  Confirmed my greatest fear is being alone in outer space.  I travelled to America once and looking out over the expanse of the ocean I felt so alone and unwilling to ever find myself there.  Imagine being on a plane as it crashes in the middle of an ocean, so awfully scary, but not half as scary as running into trouble in space.  Anyway, entirely beside the point of my risotto, but what else can I say about that?  So one more down, 29 to go.  Haven't found any magic ones yet, but all good. 

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